Thursday, March 23, 2006

so tired but: today's thought

Today was about miracles and healing. It was really interesting: I had been looking forward to it. I'm fading, so I don't know how clearly I can get these thoughts out.
Jesus told his disciples, and others, to go and spread the word and to heal. I read that in the New Testament and it took me by surprise. It made sense that Jesus was going around healing. He healed left right and centre; he felt compassion and healed - it was a regular hobby. Disciples, well, okay, they've been hanging around a while, they probably picked up a bunch of this stuff. And they really believed. But other folk? A gathering of just plain folk? Off they went to spread the word and to heal. No preamble, just a simple direciton: go spread the word and heal.
So in our small group, I said people don't do that now. People don't go heal. We'd need a six week training, and videos and a few demonstrations and then a case study or two.
Go heal. And they did.
Can you imagine what that would be like? To be a conduit of a wonderful healing power? To lay on hands and feel the Spirit of God move through you and heal another? We said doctors and nurses and psychiatrists must feel something like it.
My theory was we don't heal because we don't believe. I said if it is true that God heals today and he heals through us, then chances are we've had and missed this fantastic opportunity. That the times we felt compelled to touch another, to lay on hands as it were, to hug, to reach out in some means, but didn't act on the feeling, these are times when our touch could have brought some healing into the other person, but we failed them. It must take a lot of faith to say "I will pray for you" and to come near to a person in need of healing and pray for them in a true attempt to bring healing to them.
When my brother was dying, I believed that miracles could happen and that we could will a higher power to enter into another and heal them, or change them for the better. I believed this to be God, generic. I knew about Jesus as God, and brought all the stories I had heard about "God" into one higher spiritual power. But I was young and didn't really understand my brother was sick until he was quite ill, and near the end. Then, I didn't "pray" for his recovery, but rather for a painless death that didn't destroy our separate parents. I felt quite certain he was meant to die and be relieved of the suffering of this life. I'm not sure what better life I thought was next, maybe a new chance at this life. Something painfree anyway. And I "prayed" that if he was coming back, that he have a chance to rest in "heaven" first. The quotes are words I didn't use as a child.
We hear of miraculous healings all the time. Doctors shake their heads and say"It was a miracle." So often, we're not even especially moved. One man in the group said maybe we're not moved because it's all internal: we don't see the lame walk or the blind see. Not instantly anyway. Doctors make these things happen. Miracles make aggressive tumours vanish.
Maybe we should have prayer journals like Nicky Gumble. Keep track. What quantity would be required to establish faith?
I have more thoughts but now I am far too tired.


Blogger redsaucer said...

wow! last night, when i read this, this post really knocked me for a loop. i'm still working through it and will have something in my blog later tonight, i hope.

10:44 p.m., March 24, 2006  

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