Saturday, February 03, 2007


don't ever assume i know where i am going. most of my paths lead back to my hobbit house. you're welcome here, it's warm and dry and i usually have food and wine. but surely your path leads somewhere more important, more interesting, somewhere intentioned. i want to find the path within. you can't follow me there although if you find yourself and i find myself, we will see each other. i think if i can find the path within, the paths without will start to lead somewhere.

winter moon

What use this pregnant moon?
Passion's portent come too soon.
What use such passion drawn?
An empty bed awaits the dawn.

Friday, February 02, 2007

what use?

what use this full moon consumed by wind whipped clouds and snow harshly blown?
what use this full moon swollen with unbirthed impassioned poems and viewed alone?