Monday, November 01, 2010

regarding Alpha, part one

I am for the most part a scientific sort. I like reproducible results. I like proofs. I like logical conclusions. I like philosophy and science, even though I'm the first to admit I understand little of it.

Regardless, I go to the chiropractor. As a discipline of medicine, chiropractic is a quackery. I have pshwawed it all my adult life. I started going on some free pass and I thought I'd give it a try. I had some symptoms that doctors couldn't solve. I had a strange buzzing feeling in my head. I sore hips. I had dizziness. These things went away after I had been going to the chiropractor for six months. But at the same time as going to chiropractic, I was eating better and exercising more and tackling the stress in my life.

Over a year later my boyfriend and I broke up and he took his benefits with him, and living on my own was far too expensive. So I stopped going to the chiropractor. My hips started hurting again. My dizziness and head "buzzing" came back. I ate well, exercised..... but these symptoms persisted and worsened. I returned to the chiropractor, and they went away again.

I don't know why chiropractic protects me from these debilitating symptoms. I don't care how it works. All I know is it does work for me, and that's good enough for me. I guess that makes me a believer.


Blogger Astrocrabpuff said...

If it works for you, and you have a chiropractioner with a good record, I say use it.

11:34 p.m., November 01, 2010  

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