Sunday, February 12, 2006

INFP Profile

My score on Perceiving / judging was essentially even, so this too is my profile.

INFP Profile

Online test based on Jung - Myers-Briggs typology

the test that created the results

Online test based on Jung - Myers-Briggs typology

INFJ Profile

Very cool descriptor of my personality type "infj". Is it useful? It clarifies some aspects of my personality I have had difficulty putting in words. I have in the past sort of yearned to be a religious leader but have been understandably hindered by a lack of faith in Jesus. In Guides I always led "Guides Own' which is church for those without religion. The other "callings" i have had are politician, counsellor and writer.
It also explains why people always seem to think of me as an extrovert when I see myself more as an introvert. i'm going to read some of the other personality types now.

INFJ Profile

Monday, February 06, 2006

Sympatico / MSN Lifestyle : Relationships : Articles : TS 5TraitsOfAGoodCouple

Sympatico / MSN Lifestyle : Relationships : Articles : TS 5TraitsOfAGoodCouple