Sunday, August 06, 2006

Canadian Voice of Women for Peace

Angela sent me a letter to copy to our great country's leader (the placement of the adjective being crucial) which was generated from this site.

There is so much going on. Honestly, she seems to be involved with all of it. And me, not with enough of it.

Canadian Voice of Women for Peace


Blogger redsaucer said...

thanks kate (and thanks angela). i read VOW's brief position paper, and sent a message to our PM and our local MP:

Dear Sirs,

I am opposed to Canada's current military role in Afghanistan. I am proud of Canada's legacy as a leader in the world community as a peace-keeping nation, and I want Canada to continue that legacy. The current role is not UN-mandated, but rather, places us under US Command in its Operation Enduring Freedom. I recognize this is a complex issue, and as such, requires far more time for Canadian parliamentarians to research and discuss with their constituents. This is a very serious issue: there are Canadians being wounded and killed and traumatized, and being put in a position where they have to do the same to Afghanis.

12:51 p.m., August 07, 2006  

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