Wednesday, October 25, 2006

All Hallow's Sonnet

All Hallows Eve Sonnet
Scowling in the cold, the jack o’ lantern
grows frosty, and the scarecrow’s gape is stern.
Autumn leaves drift then windswept gaily dance:
in mounds they herald winter’s drear advance.
Ghouls and goblins ride winter’s frigid breath.
Devils sing tidings composed to us by Death-
this icy note from whence we can’t perceive:
"The Day of the Dead follows Hallow’s Eve!"
The Dead must wait; their day has not come yet.
We’ve time before Winter calls Summer’s debt.
Let’s don the mask of that which scares us most.
With warm’d spirits we’ll evil Spirits toast.
For one night- dance, sing, forget worldly strife.
Come friends. Scorn wintry Death. Jubilate Life.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

as it snows

Notes of disinterest:
1)My trampoline is covered with snow.
2)I am so not tired. It ought to be Friday.
3)J called and this is wonderful. It also renews my desire to shoot a gun. He's shot a "sub-machine gun" I think he called it. More than once, accurately. Lucky tall gorgeous duck. I'm a pacifist but I really like weapons.
4) this should be on my lj but I was in blogger due to some peruvian cigar sucker who is in love with Kat's M. He's all gamerish and despite my loving D&D and Vampire in the past and despite my dating so many gamers (ones who wash regular-like, mind), I don't game. Must be the whole single mom, work fulltime to pay the mortgage thing. But, I miss it in the creative playground it is and wish I had the time to see what the new gaming is all about.
5) I think I'll xpost to lj and then put up the windows in my screen porch and then put my sweaters in drawers and my summer dresses in storage. Then I'll think about J's place.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

the ensuing comments

Read the post before this first, as this relates to the one called 'first i posted this"

Kat said:
Do you know that my hardcore Christian students don't believe that there is an environment problem? You know why? Because if we destroy the Earth and bring on an Apocalypse then that will bring about the Second coming of Christ. In fact, they don't believe in recyling, conservationalism, or anything that would preserve the Earth.To do so wouldn't be Christian.I'm hoping that only the really f*cked up evangelical Christians feel that way and that this mindset doesn't apply to more mainstream Judeo-Christian followers.

I said:

mfp feels part of his Christian walk is in protecting God's Earth. mfp told me in the summer of the set of Christians who wish to hasten the Apocalypse. i think they're wrong, about it all, i think they have the wrong idea.i think if they end up in heaven in front of god, god will say "What the FUCK have you done to my green Earth?!"At the workshop today was a woman from who say "An ecological perspective concerns the Earth itself as an integral part of God’s wondrous Creation."

Kat said:

I was watching a special about that movie, Jesus Camp. It made me cry to watch children the age of DQ and Bats saying that they are being trained to be "soldiers of Christ" and that they would be willing to sacrifice their lives for Jesus. sort of shit scares me.

I said:

Just viewed the link. That is scary.Haven't seen the film. I know a lot of American evangelical movement is damn scary. To me, there is no spirituality in that.The church we go to is really open, accepting, caring. The focus is just on love really. The Pastor would be ill at kids worshipping to Bush - that's actually out and out sinful as it makes Bush an idol. - but he'd also be appalled and sick at the manipulation involved I am sure. I wonder if the video is at Rogers.The leaders at the church in that news spot would slay me as a heathen I think.

and then I said:

We had communion at church today. I really like going to this church. I was dressed all in black, but so was the pastor. Actually, he was all spiffed up. Hmmmm...Anyway. He talked about the coming of Christ and the Bible does say to hasten the coming of Christ. But it talks about god's patience and how god is waiting until all our souls are safe so he doesn't need to cut anyone down but we'll all partake of whatever great party is planned for the end days.So to hasten the end is to keep your soul safe, pure, to have faith in god and to not do wrong which must also mean not harming the earth. These radicals may end the world, may kill the earth, but that doesn't mean god will come. He'd probably wait till more primordial slime grew in our wreckage and patiently help it to form into something once again resembling god, waiting for life on earth to reflect god's glory.I mean, he does have forever to wait for us to get our shit together. (masculine being used only for ease of writing)

first I posted this

Climate Crisis
Go visit the site. It doesn't take much effort to make a little difference.

Did the tour and bought the shirt. Midland is listed on the shirt.It was another eye-opening experiencing. I am learning a lot on this issue, or more anyway. I'm doing my part bit by bit, and increasing my involvement. I might not have gone, given my mood, but Sue organized it and I wanted to support her if nothing else.There were so few "young" people. I notice that the interesting, important things don't seem well attended by people my age. The youth may have their own forum: I wouldn't know. But where are the people my age? What do they do with their time I wonder. I suppose they're home with children, which is only half my reality.I have an odd life come to think of it.So our homework is to join the coalition and to write to the editor and to our MP. Did you know that the political parties keep track of letters to the editor to note issues of importance to the population? And that for every letter an MP receives, he / she knows there are 800 other voters out there with the same concerns?One man grumbled that letters to politicians never get replies and the speaker quipped, "The ones you don't send sure don't"I'm going to keep a travel mug in my car for now on so I can have guilt free coffee at these sorts of things. I wish there had been ceramic mugs to use - I would have helped with dishes afterward. And I wonder why there were pineapple and kiwi - those aren't local produce and had to be brought by freight.I'm proud Midland was on the tour and pleased Sue made it happen