Monday, January 29, 2007

V-Day: V-Day Midland

V-Day: V-Day Midland

If Alpha is the largest Christian force to sweep the planet, V-Day is certainly the strongest vagina force.

End violence against women.

Sunday, January 14, 2007 » Nightshade Foods » Nightshade Foods

I had told Bats some time ago that tomatos are related to Deadly Nightshade - that they are all members of the Nnightshade family. He despises the smell of nightshde, it's a real BatsBane. And so he won't eat tomatos. This evening DQ and I had tomato on our tacos and he was shuddering so I figured I'd see if there is any actual poison in tomatos. It's pretty interesting. The information that smokers and those with arthritis is fascinating, though will frustrate my mother, she loves tomatos and potatoes. Certainly both my kids used to react to tomatos until they were around three years old and would never touch pizza sauce or catsup.

lj x post

In line at Tim Horton's After commenting on my 'lovely" voice, an old Italian woman said: "I sometimes sing in my car, where no one can hear. In the old days, in Italy, not so many cars were on the road. People went to work on bicycles. And singing, always singing." She paused to sing a few bars in Italian as an example, "Or some song like this" "Sometimes the bombs would fall and you would see them running back home. Covered in black. But still, singing."

Sunday, January 07, 2007

the Divine

The thirst and quest for the Divine is always upon me.
CBC quote: "You have the right to expand your sole."
My fever is back just now, my coherence wanes, I'm swimming in thoughts of the value of ritual, the search for meaning, the divinity of beauty. When Jesus said "I am the Way, none shall approach the Father but through me" (or something like that) did he mean we have to pray through his name, or did he mean "through me" as "in my fashion"? You can follow Jesus' example without ever entering a Church. His lesson's are so stripped down. Can simplicity be a mantra? And I'm keep wondering why it's Christianity. Why so much the worship of Jesus, and not God and the Holy Spirit? What did Peter call me? Katrinity. I like that almost as much as Kurt's Katelyst.
Between fluish fever and churning monthly hormones, I'm teary and slipping through my thought streams.
"I will not worship this red light."
Who is this speaking on CBC?
Elizabeth Gilbert, author of "Eat Pray Love"

Saturday, January 06, 2007

The Alpha Course :

The Alpha Course :

That is Alpha. Through Alpha, I found a church home within which to discover and love God, Kevin became baptised, the children have found a spiritual spring board, we all made new friends...

All this started at Alpha but really was fulfilled through Knox church, led by Pastor Kitson.

Alpha as a movement scares me. The rhetoric, the taste of propaganda... there are some inherent views I can not support. For this reason, I am not volunteering for the program after all. Maybe it's because I am new and uncertain in my faith. Maybe I don't have the maturity to publicly use what is good and simply ignore the rest.

It's a wildly popular and extremely successful Christian movement led by Nicky Gumbel. Nicky is an extremely charismatic leader (think of me, but older, male and the leader of a wildly popular Christian movement) who himself (in a different context) points out that Satan poses as an angel of light. Maybe I just fear my own strong but naive attraction to the light.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Duncan A McRae!

You're the funniest! The folks at CSolve were very helpful in providing all my lost passwords from when I first started dealing with them.
I can actually really think about posting to again. Wow.

Monday, January 01, 2007

New Year's 2007

The post previous to this links to New Years' past. My first New Year's post was to welcome 1998. Next year, I will post directly on to my web site ( and move these there. But, for now I have neither the passwords nor the ftp program. Just as I didn't last year...

2006 brought huge challenges, ecstatic joys, deep anguish and novel opportunities. Like TopGun, it threw us for loop after loop. We made wonderful new friends, discovered a church home in Knox, settled into a sweet Hobbit House, I'm still employed and the three of us kept our health. But the heart break, the separations and death and illness and stress and strife - no wonder on December 29th I said "Let this year end, the suffering is enough for one rotation!"
On the 30th, the fish died.

Home Sweet Home
In 2007 I resolve to spend more time at home. Everything I need is here. My kids have wonderful rooms which develop each month. Morgan's grows in magnitude of pink while the blue of Davey's room encompasses increasing projects and cards and dragons. They have centres and corners tailored to each child's needs and interests.
My own jungle print room is sufficient for quiet contemplation. I have a lamp, and some books, and a writing desk. The reading, the meditating, the writing - the flow of each is more certain as we enter this year.
We've had the pleasure of sharing the warmth of our living room and kitchen with many guests. Hopefully 2007 will see many more drop in and share some coffee and some time. Drink some wine, nibble a wee something... read a book off our luxurious shelves. Play a game. Pet the dog (or avoid the dog!)
The kitchen will hopefully see more cooking with local foods and pungent spices and love and laughter and music. I want to grow some of my own foods. I want to compost. I want to make more soups.
When my turn comes to host a summer time Harvest Potluck, I want each guest to bring a food they have a personal connection to, and to tell that story. Is it from your garden? Your neighbour's garden? Is is wild? I wonder how I'll feel if a farmer tells of his roast chicken.
I'm going to plant a garden. Maybe a small one, we'll see how I do with "work." Says Shawn regarding work, "You know how to dig a hole, don't you?" and Peter adds, "Once you have a hole, plant a tree."
Our basement is filling up and in 2007 we'll organise it and utilise it. The kids, having formed the band "The D.A.M.N. kids" (David, Alyssa, Morgan and Noah), need part of the basement for practising. The drum kit and electronic piano will be joined by lights and posters and tambourines... and eventually drywall and flooring. Al, the Knox music director, is getting the kids the CD and music for kids' contemporary worship pieces. The drums are loud. God is sure to hear them, and may He bless the neighbours (and me!) with patience.
On the other side of the music room's invisible wall is the weight room, complete with treadmill, situp bench (heavy pick-up), yoga mat (Sue), recumbent bike, ski machine, row machine and weight bench (all Francois). Do I really have to enumerate the resolution is inspires? If, like me, you enjoyed overmuch the cakes and creams of Christmas, come on over and sweat a bit.
The remaining room is called the white room. Catharine and I scrubbed and painted it when I bought this house. It was a filthy nicotine stained rancid basement bedroom and we inhaled a ridiculous amount of toxic fumes to turn the walls and ceiling white and to seal the concrete floor with white mildew slaying paint. We haven't really recovered yet. The white room boasts the best TV I've ever owned (Vouts) and a lava lamp (Francois) and a rug (Riet) and all the dress up clothes and art supplies and kid-toys. It's rarely tidy.
I want all my passions to live fully in my home. I want to welcome my friends with the same honest generosity I appreciate so deeply in Anke. I want to be a possible haven for my family, which extends to Tammy and Riet and Susan/Nana, but also to Kev's boys and beyond. I want to invite God in to our home, have him for dinner and ask if he'd like to curl up and read a book. Stay a while. I want to live a commitment to the environment and to force my eyes to stay open on Climate Crisis. I want to nurture literature and arts and film and music and philosophy and community.
What is not apparent from touring my Hobbit House is my career, and that's as it should be. After a challenging year of growing in to my role at the bank, I have started to be able to leave work at work. In 2007, I'll focus on leaving home at home. The Bank holds my mortgage and my Bank salary pays for it. The food for my children and the wine for our guests: the material blessings of our life flow from my career at the Bank.

Outside of home...

I'd love to see any of you at these events: Alpha at Knox starting February 1st, The Vagina Monologues on March 1st, the 24 hour ski race at Mountainview Ski Hill, Mariposa in Orillia, and any Sunday morning at Knox.

Two conversations...

Francois asked what I have learned from my parents, and I said "How to enjoy the finer things in life, but not how to get them." I've since thought of ways to get them - hard work, saying please, planning, prayer. But the most important skill for getting the finer things in life is recognising them.

My question one day to Kathy: "What do you think will happen Kathy? Just, what do you think?"
Her reply: "I don't know Kate, I really don't know."
And we really don't, do we?
